Saturday, February 28, 2009

Universal Studios

Last weekend I went to Universal Studios. It was a nice way to spend a Saturday, but I'm not quite sure if it's worth the ridiculous admission price of $67 dollars. Or even the $59 after using a coupon.

There were very few rides - I only went on The Mummy ride and The Simpsons ride. The Mummy ride was kinda lame. It's suuuper short. And since I take off my glasses on high velocity rides, I couldn't really see what was happening. The Simspons ride was a fantastic motion simulator ride, you know, like the Star Tours ride in Disneyland. I guess I went on three rides if you count the Shrek 4D thing as a ride. The chair moves while you watch a 3D movie. Kinda cool. Probably the most exciting ride in the park is the Jurassic Park one, which I didn't go on this time. I remember going on it the last time I went to Universal Studios over ten years ago. This time I didn't want to get wet. Overall, the lines actually weren't that long. Probably because everyone is poor now and cannot spend $67 on a theme park that only has like three rides. Four if you want to count the ridiculously long escalator ride between the main and lower levels of the park. It's like going up the escalator system in Hong Kong. So many sections.

I found the studio tour to actually be the most interesting part of the park. If you've ever been to Universal Studios you've probably been on this. What I liked was that they had some stuff from newish movies, such as the vehicle from Serenity along with the old Delorean from Back to the Future. Perhaps the coolest part of the tour was that we got to drive through Wisteria Lane from Desperate Housewives, which is still a working set. And we saw the miniature Skull Island from King Kong, the set from The Grinch and the plane crash site from War of the Worlds (okay sure, these weren't THAT recent). Anyway it's cool to see that these sets are still being used even today (somewhat).

By far the biggest disappointment of the day was that there was no Spider-Man ride!! Ugh. Apparently the Orlando park has one. MUY DISAPPOINTED.

Haha, when we first got inside the park we checked out the information booth to sorta get a sense of what there is to do (not much actually, the park is pretty small). The guide mentioned the Backdraft thing. My sister, being the tactful person that she is, complained to the guide, "Isn't that movie REALLY OLD??!" putting him on the defensive.

Out of everything we did, I think my sister was most enamored by the "indoor" skydiving thing that was set up. I put quotes around indoor because it's indoor skydiving, but the setup was located outside. The setup wasn't even IN the park. It was located before the entrance at the City Walk. Looks fun - I'd certainly try it.

I need a phone with a decent camera - I'd like at LEAST 3 megapixels. Preferably 5 with flash!

Oh, yeah! Haha, after we looked at our photos from The Mummy ride, we rounded a corner and some lady on stilts, dressed in Egyptian garb jumped out at us. She got us good. Man that would be a fun job. A poorly paid job I'm sure, but fun nonetheless, spooking random park-goers.


(^___^) said...

oo i went to citywalk last saturday and also saw that skydiving. i was also intrigued by that ENTIRE STORE DEVOTED TO SOCKS. wtf?

Kenrick said...

buy any good socks?