Monday, September 29, 2008

Mega Man 9

I just downloaded Mega Man 9 this weekend through WiiWare. It was easy enough to purchase some points online and then redeem them for the game (1000 points for $10). After you download it, the game shows up as a channel on the Wii. Mega Man 8 came out in 1996, so they've resumed the numbered Mega Man games over ten years later. Just to be clear, Mega Man 9 is a NEW game, except they went retro and did the game in the old school 8-bit style.
Although it was painless to buy the game, playing the game is not. It's a big exercise in frustration, but yet I cannot stop playing. It comes down to running through the level over and over again until you memorize everything and then fighting the boss over and over again until you memorize all of the boss's moves so that you can exploit his weaknesses.
The game is only available for download, but you can actual buy the fake box the game might've come in in some alternate universe! It's even done in the old NES style and comes with a fake NES cartridge. I think it's quite a neat idea.

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