Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Music and Lyrics

I don't listen to lyrics.

I prefer it that way, because I don't like it when the lyrics pull me out of the sound of the music. More often than not, the lyrics to a song are dumb so if I start paying attention to what they're saying, it can ruin the song. I have to look up lyrics, 'cause remember, I don't pay attention to the lyrics while the song is playing. A byproduct of this is that I don't sing, well, because I don't know the lyrics. Instead I'll hum. One song I heard a few months back that I like is Shattered by O.A.R. I'm reading all these comments on YouTube about how they're sellouts and that they no longer sound the same as when they were more "indie." Whatever, I like the song. The line "I always turn the car around" bugs me though. It's a line I can pick up just by listening to it, but I have no idea what the context is.

I'm not snooty about music, and by not snooty I mean I don't listen to classical music, classic rock, anything prefixed with "classic," or hit the indie scene. I do enjoy instrumental music like stuff from movie and video game soundtracks, such as Gladiator, Crouching Tiger, LOTR, Mario Galaxy, Conan: The Barbarian (it's good, trust me), and Zelda. Some pull me back into the movie and some just sound nice. The songs I listen to are pretty mainstream: whatever's on the radio, or in a movie trailer, or someone's status/buddy info. I don't subscribe to any particular genre although there are some I like more than others. I can totally enjoy pop/"girly" music if it's catchy. Remember, I don't listen to the lyrics so I can still enjoy the fluff. I can enjoy the super hyper jpop found in anime as well as cpop and kpop. Again, I have absolutely no idea what they're singing about, same as American songs.

I can listen to a song over 10 times and still not know any of the lyrics. I can listen to a song 10 times in a row. Whatever catches my fancy I will loop the poop out of it. Some survive the looping and I can still enjoy such as Bleeding Love, which I still listen to now a year later. I used to love Collide by Howie Day but it's gotten stale from overlooping.

I always hate being asked, what kind of music do you listen to? If you've asked me this before, don't worry, I don't hate you, just the question, otherwise I would hate a lot of people. The reason is pretty much because I don't have an answer to this question. What kind of answer is even expected? Am i supposed to list genres? "I like pop, rock, instrumental." Or bands? "I like *******." What is the goal of the question? I suppose it's some sort of an icebreaker, like talking about the weather. Is there a hope that we can geek out about a particular band? Maybe. Or is it an opening to talk about all the indie bands you've heard of and I haven't. Maybe.

Even if you recommend a band, I will never seek it out to listen to it. You could be foaming at the mouth, raving that listening to it is like listening to voice of God, Zeus, Buddha, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or whatever and I still won't look it up. Ok, maybe if you were foaming at the mouth I would, just to see what kind of crazy music has turned you all rabid. If you send me a YouTube link, then I will. This opinion is largely personal, since I don't follow the music scene. If you were to replace "music" with "comic book" then I'd be perfectly happy to answer your question. If you ask me about movies, I will certainly be more engaged. The question is still a difficult one. What movies do I watch? I dunno... EVERYTHING?? Good ones??? Anything above 70% on Rotten Tomatoes? Okay, next time I'll just counter the music question by saying, "recommend me a band." And if you're lucky, I might just listen to it.

And if you have forgotten by now, remember, I don't listen to song lyrics.


matikin9 said...

DOH, I didn't know you started blogging! :) I have a bunch of different blogs in an attempt to try to organize my thoughts. Hehe, I know I've talked to you about music before...isn't it just as elitist if you deliberately don't listen to anything labeled as "classic"? I never listen to lyrics either.

Here are some links. :D

Kenrick said...

Cool, thanks for the links!

Haha, yeah I was bored one day so I started a blog. Hmmm, maybe I should amend my statement about not being "snooty." It's not that I refuse to listen to the "classics" but it tends not to show up on my radar and I'm willing to listen to whatever.