Thursday, January 22, 2009

Academy Award Nominations

Nominations are out. I'm rooting for Slumdog Millionaire, with Frost/Nixon second for Best Picture. Unfortunately there is no second place. Just first place and four losers. Some of you might say Slumdog is overhyped. I'm going to say, I don't care. If that's what it took to get people to see it, let it be "overhyped." What I like about Slumdog is that it appeals to everyone. Sure, it's not a "family film" but I think there's something in it that most everyone can enjoy. It whisks the audience away to this magical place called "India" where lies hope and despair, love and loss, and at the end of it you feel happy to have experienced it.

What is all this love for Benjamin Button? I can understand its noms for more technical awards, but it wasn't THAT GOOD of a movie. At least its 13 nominations give me an excuse to post this:

Still need to see Milk so I can't really say anything about that. However, I don't usually care for biopics: The Aviator, Ray, etc. How did The Reader get a Best Picture nom? I haven't seen it, but geez, it's only 60% on Rotten Tomatoes. I previously had zero interest, but I feel like I should watch it now. Eh, still don't wanna. The Wrestler is 98% on Rotten Tomatoes, maybe that should've taken it's place? Not to mention... Wall-E.

It would've been pretty awesome if Wall-E had been nominated for Best Picture. I'd imagine it'd be a shoo-in to win Best Animated Film, but really, who cares? Who cares if it beats Bolt and Kung Fu Panda (though both are entertaining films)? Who. Cares. It would say a lot more if it had gotten nominated for Best Picture even if it eventually loses. Beauty and the Beast was the last and only animated film to have the honor of being nominated for the Best Picture category.

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